
Company Website


I have been the sole administrator and developer for EMAS Pro's company website since 2012. I have redesigned and overhauled the site twice during that period, with the iteration seen here being the latest version. I am particularly proud of the "Who We Are" page because I had recently been promoted to Director of Marketing & Client Education when this project was started, and as such was finally able to make supervisory decisions about the marketing language on the site. I solicited input from our VP for Client Services and our Director of Business Development and, after several brainstorming sessions, we ended up with language that really resonated with our target market - a huge improvement over the previous version of the site which included quite a bit of overly technical and somewhat "stuffy" language. This site also improved upon the user experience and the general aesthetics of the previous version, including a redesign of the company logo to match the new color scheme. An extensive amount of competitor research was done prior to the site redesign, and the result is a sleek, modern, attractive site that provides the most relevant information for potential buyers as well as many well-placed calls to action.